Communities are important for a handful of reasons and are especially important when times are tough. By all accounts 2025 is going to be tough for many people, so let's talk about why we need community. When people come together they are able to build together, survive together, and even thrive together. They are able to share resources and we see this in times of sudden tragedy. A flash flood washes through a community, or a wildfire rages through, and people have suddenly lost everything. What we see is people come together, help find what can be salvaged (even if it's a small thing), and look for and after animals, and even the survivors. Community comes together, to donate blankets, food, water, clothes, shoes etc. Thankfully we don't have to have a major community loss to support each other, and work together. Many preppers teach don't tell anyone what you have, because people will try and come and take it. But the truth is when a tragedy comes, and it's not "people" it's your elderly neighbor, it's the single mom next door with a toddler, it's you, it's community. What tends to happen in many ways is helping. Do you remember the old story "Stone Soup"? Everyone adds a little to the pot and creates a meal. Community is when the neighbor falls and breaks their arm and can't shovel the snow, or mow the lawn, and the neighbors take on that task. Community is also the place that notices and provides a safety net. Not in the big brother way of judgment, but in noticing that someone hasn't been home for a while, or someone is moving furniture out the front door, that you have never seen before. And gardens (and backyard chickens) are another wonderful aspect of community. Have you ever accidentally grown 137 zucchinis? Trust me you are more than happy to make sure everyone in town has zucchini to eat! Your local library, and senior center are wonderful safe places to meet other people, learn new things, and find the resources you need (or how you could help others to receive.) Everyone needs to weave a thread in their community, for themselves and their wellbeing, and also for the wellbeing of where they live. Small local locations, and neighborhoods, have the ability to save lives, and to make life a little smoother and easier; plus it's super important for your mental health to have some social connection. You do not have to go out and people every day, or do everything, or give, and give, and give; just make sure your personal thread is weaved into the community.
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