This page is just the base layout of each of the categories used. Everything should fall under one or more of these larger categories. When searching out content, think umbrella terms. January 29th is the start of the Chinese New Year, and this year it is the year of the wood snake. It's also the Aquarius New Moon, and that means it's time to use our energy, our visioning, our clarity on planting some new seeds for what we want to see happen. Normally we are looking out 6 months to the corresponding full moon, and yes we still are today but we are also looking at the year ahead. This is the new moon to have good clarity on what does the ideal future look like to you. Not how can we make it better, or that one time was pretty good; but instead the look at what would ideal look like, for me, my family, community, the world. Help plant those seeds for what could ideal really be for each of us and all of us. How can you combine the energies of your intuition and transformation, that are matched well today with the wood snake energy? And then combine with that the Aquarian energy of everyone, ideals, and utopia. This is a great moon, if you have good clarity, clear vision, for setting the path forward for positive change. Abundance
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Dancing BackDancing Back is a lifestyle and it's about incorporating the whole you. A holistic look at wellness as your brain and your body; your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial health. Categories