Personal Numbers Resource Guide.
Here are the details on how you would calculate the numbers.
The overall energy of the day, is based on the calendar date. It's the overall energy, or the biz puzzle, for the planet.
This allows us to look at the overall theme, for the year, month and day.
But we can take it all one step further and see what our personal energy for the day looks like too. Your numbers show how your puzzle piece (you) fits into the "big puzzle" energy of the collective experience.
First let's look at the overall picture, the collective energy.
Each year holds it's own theme and then each month in that year will show us how that big theme is working.
To calculate the overall energy of the year, add the digits together and reduce to a single number.
2+0+2+1=5 The overall energy for the year 2021 is a 5 energy.
2024 = 8
2025 = 9
2026 = 10 but we reduce to one number, so you add the 1+0= 1 making 2026 a 1 year
Then to calculate the energy of the month for the year we just add the month to the year. Remember to break down each month to a single digit, just as we did the year.
Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
May 5
Jun 6
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 9
Oct 1 (tenth month 1+0=1)
Nov 2 (eleventh month 1+1=2_
Dec 3 (twelfth month 1+2=3)
Let's use 2025 for the example we already know from above the overall year energy will be a 9
For each month we will add 9 to the month number.
Jan is 1, so 1+9= 10 and remember we are going to a single digit, so 1+0=1
Year 9, Jan Month 1
Feb is 2, so 2+9= 11, and remember we are going to a single digit, so 1+1=2
Year 9, Feb Month 2
And we do each month for 2025 until we get:
Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
May 5
Jun 6
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 9
Oct 1
Nov 2
Dec 3
(Which may not be the best example, since it looks like the actual months, but 2025 is the next year and this will make it an easy present day example of what is coming.)
Remember we are looking at the overall energy for the year.
Next step is we combine what we have, the year will stay the same for the entire calendar year, and each month will be a different flavor of that energy.
2025 Jan is a 9/1
2025 Feb is a 9/2
2025 Mar is a 9/3
2025 Apr is a 9/4
All the way through December of 2025.
Next we will look at a short word combination of what each number means, and then I will show you how we combine it all together.
1 New Beginning - New Start
2 Patience - Partnership
3 Joy - Celebrate
4 Work - School
5 Change - Energy Shift
6 Home - Within
7 Wait - Spiritual
8 Success - Harvest
9 Ending - Wrap Up
We see that 2025 is a harvest year, about endings, and wrapping things up, for the overall energy (your personal year energy might differ).
When we combine our calculations we see:
In the wrap it up, endings, January is the month we are considering what are the new starts to come after. This is similar to planting a garden, and it's the end of summer, you are harvesting your vegetables, and starting to think about what you will plant next year. What could be done better, what went well - you're still in the work of the harvest, but starting to look ahead.
For February we still have the overall theme of wrapping up, because the will be true every month, all year long, but the flavor will be now about patience and partnerships. Who helps you wrap up things, or isn't there? Working together to close things out well.
Now to be clear that doesn't mean your partnership has to end, it's more about how partnerships do the work. Yes it can mean endings but again this is the overall energy, not your personal energy signature.
You go through the rest of the year matching the two energies.
March endings, with joy and celebration,
April wrapping it up, with work, education, even determination.
May endings with change, and shifting the energy.
June wrapping it up and going within, looking at your own life impact (home).
July ending and bringing those lessons within, what do you now know to be true.
August wrapping it up and harvesting the results.
September notice this brings us a double energy of wrap it up, endings. The finalizing, the done point.
October and now we are back again at the start of what we have finished. Notice this is similar but different to where we were in January (also a 1 month). Because in January we were just starting, but now we have walked through the lessons, the work, and we are ready to start something new.
November and December we are still in the overall energy of the year of finish and end, but we are already starting to feel the pull of the energy of the new year (2026 will be a 1 overall year) so in November we are looking at who we will partner with in our new adventures, and then in December ends with the energy of celebrations and joy.
Now take a few minutes and think about what endings can look like.
All of these things include a wrapping it up energy, but it's not the "end" energy.
If you want to take it a step further you can look at each day.
We know in 2025 we have a year 9 and January is a month 1 energy. To get the day we just add the day into the equation.
Month+Day = the Day's energy
Jan 01, 1+1=11
bring it to a single digit 1+1=2
Jan, 01, 2025 would then be:
Month 1
Day 2
Year 9
And you can combine your basic words for a sentence. In partnership, looking at the new starts to come, as we wrap up.
Honestly if you want the details of the day, I think you are best off to instead focus on your personal energy days. We will go over those in the next section. When the overall energy of a day might be good to look at, from the big puzzle energy, is maybe you are planning a fundraiser. And one Saturday that overall day energy is a 6 where people are more likely to stay home, and the other is 3 celebration energy, you might want to choose the Saturday that's a 3. But overall energy, is just that the bigger picture, bigger puzzle, and if you are planning for you, your own energy is probably the place to focus.
Here are the details on how you would calculate the numbers.
The overall energy of the day, is based on the calendar date. It's the overall energy, or the biz puzzle, for the planet.
This allows us to look at the overall theme, for the year, month and day.
But we can take it all one step further and see what our personal energy for the day looks like too. Your numbers show how your puzzle piece (you) fits into the "big puzzle" energy of the collective experience.
First let's look at the overall picture, the collective energy.
Each year holds it's own theme and then each month in that year will show us how that big theme is working.
To calculate the overall energy of the year, add the digits together and reduce to a single number.
2+0+2+1=5 The overall energy for the year 2021 is a 5 energy.
2024 = 8
2025 = 9
2026 = 10 but we reduce to one number, so you add the 1+0= 1 making 2026 a 1 year
Then to calculate the energy of the month for the year we just add the month to the year. Remember to break down each month to a single digit, just as we did the year.
Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
May 5
Jun 6
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 9
Oct 1 (tenth month 1+0=1)
Nov 2 (eleventh month 1+1=2_
Dec 3 (twelfth month 1+2=3)
Let's use 2025 for the example we already know from above the overall year energy will be a 9
For each month we will add 9 to the month number.
Jan is 1, so 1+9= 10 and remember we are going to a single digit, so 1+0=1
Year 9, Jan Month 1
Feb is 2, so 2+9= 11, and remember we are going to a single digit, so 1+1=2
Year 9, Feb Month 2
And we do each month for 2025 until we get:
Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
May 5
Jun 6
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 9
Oct 1
Nov 2
Dec 3
(Which may not be the best example, since it looks like the actual months, but 2025 is the next year and this will make it an easy present day example of what is coming.)
Remember we are looking at the overall energy for the year.
Next step is we combine what we have, the year will stay the same for the entire calendar year, and each month will be a different flavor of that energy.
2025 Jan is a 9/1
2025 Feb is a 9/2
2025 Mar is a 9/3
2025 Apr is a 9/4
All the way through December of 2025.
Next we will look at a short word combination of what each number means, and then I will show you how we combine it all together.
1 New Beginning - New Start
2 Patience - Partnership
3 Joy - Celebrate
4 Work - School
5 Change - Energy Shift
6 Home - Within
7 Wait - Spiritual
8 Success - Harvest
9 Ending - Wrap Up
We see that 2025 is a harvest year, about endings, and wrapping things up, for the overall energy (your personal year energy might differ).
When we combine our calculations we see:
In the wrap it up, endings, January is the month we are considering what are the new starts to come after. This is similar to planting a garden, and it's the end of summer, you are harvesting your vegetables, and starting to think about what you will plant next year. What could be done better, what went well - you're still in the work of the harvest, but starting to look ahead.
For February we still have the overall theme of wrapping up, because the will be true every month, all year long, but the flavor will be now about patience and partnerships. Who helps you wrap up things, or isn't there? Working together to close things out well.
Now to be clear that doesn't mean your partnership has to end, it's more about how partnerships do the work. Yes it can mean endings but again this is the overall energy, not your personal energy signature.
You go through the rest of the year matching the two energies.
March endings, with joy and celebration,
April wrapping it up, with work, education, even determination.
May endings with change, and shifting the energy.
June wrapping it up and going within, looking at your own life impact (home).
July ending and bringing those lessons within, what do you now know to be true.
August wrapping it up and harvesting the results.
September notice this brings us a double energy of wrap it up, endings. The finalizing, the done point.
October and now we are back again at the start of what we have finished. Notice this is similar but different to where we were in January (also a 1 month). Because in January we were just starting, but now we have walked through the lessons, the work, and we are ready to start something new.
November and December we are still in the overall energy of the year of finish and end, but we are already starting to feel the pull of the energy of the new year (2026 will be a 1 overall year) so in November we are looking at who we will partner with in our new adventures, and then in December ends with the energy of celebrations and joy.
Now take a few minutes and think about what endings can look like.
- Graduating from high school and joining the service or going to college, or starting a job.
- Ending a job, and learning a new skill, starting a new career.
- Being done with chemotherapy.
All of these things include a wrapping it up energy, but it's not the "end" energy.
If you want to take it a step further you can look at each day.
We know in 2025 we have a year 9 and January is a month 1 energy. To get the day we just add the day into the equation.
Month+Day = the Day's energy
Jan 01, 1+1=11
bring it to a single digit 1+1=2
Jan, 01, 2025 would then be:
Month 1
Day 2
Year 9
And you can combine your basic words for a sentence. In partnership, looking at the new starts to come, as we wrap up.
Honestly if you want the details of the day, I think you are best off to instead focus on your personal energy days. We will go over those in the next section. When the overall energy of a day might be good to look at, from the big puzzle energy, is maybe you are planning a fundraiser. And one Saturday that overall day energy is a 6 where people are more likely to stay home, and the other is 3 celebration energy, you might want to choose the Saturday that's a 3. But overall energy, is just that the bigger picture, bigger puzzle, and if you are planning for you, your own energy is probably the place to focus.
Calculate your Personal Numbers
Your personal vibration, is shown with your numbers and shows how your energy shows up each day.
Your numbers show how your puzzle piece (you) fits into the "big puzzle" energy of the collective experience.
Month and Day.
And it's the same simple math that we used in the overall, big puzzle, above; and always bringing it down to a single digit.
For these examples we are going to use 2024 for the year, and we are going to use Jennifer, who was born on December 11th for our example.
To calculate what your overall year energy is you will take the year in question, in this case 2024, and the month and date of your birthday. 2024+12+11 for our example.
2+0+2+4+1+2+1+1=13 and we need a single digit so next is 1+3=4
Four would be the overall personal year energy for Jennifer.
Now we know that Jennifer is going to have 2024 be a year of work, or school that type of energy for the entire year. We know that because we used our simple two word associations from above.
Here they are again for you.
1 New Beginning - New Start
2 Patience - Partnership
3 Joy - Celebrate
4 Work - School
5 Change - Energy Shift
6 Home - Within
7 Wait - Spiritual
8 Success - Harvest
9 Ending - Wrap Up
Now we are going to calculate her personal months energy, in much the same way we did above for the overall picture. The difference is we will use her personal year energy, to build her puzzle.
Jan is a 1, so we add that to 4 and we get 5
Jennifer will have a 4 year, with January being a 5 month. We use that same process through each of the months, until we have her overall picture of the energy of her year, in 2024.
Jan 1+4=5
Feb 2+4=6
Mar 3+4=7
Apr 4+4=8
May 5+4=9
Jun 6+4=10 remember we reduce back to a single digit, so 1+0=1 making June a 1 month for her
Jul 7+4=11 remember we deduce back to a single digit, so 1+1=2 making July a 2 month for her
Aug 8+4= 12 1+2=3 making her August a 3 month
And continue all the way through till December.
Now Jennifer can look at her year, and see her personal theme is around work, learning, that head down energy of getting something accomplished. And she can see what each month looks like too.
January shifts the energy, and brings change, if she is in school that would be the time of a calendar semester.
February she is feeling more of that pull to be home, and depending on where she lives that may be added to with cold, wintery weather, but her overall focus is still on getting it done.
The month she would do best to plan a celebration, maybe even a little get away vacation, would probably be her 3 month, because that is the energy for celebrating and joy. If you look up to the calculations we were doing based on her birthday, we saw that August was a 3 month for her in 2024. Her natural energy is going to align well with an August getaway or downtime.
Are you starting to see how you can align with your own energy signature, and how you, as your own piece of the puzzle, fits into both your bigger picture, and the overall puzzle of the planet too?
Let me give you an example of August 2024, the overall year of 2024 energy is an 8, get it done energy. And August is the 8th month, so we take 8+8=16 break it down to one digit, and we get 1+6=7
Over all big puzzle energy is a work on the success, the harvest and August is the go within, and more spiritual side of that.
Jennifer has the work and school and focus energy year, combined with her August celebration energy. Combining that she might think that a trip to Sedona is the perfect getaway break.
Now we are going to go a step further and look at Jennifer's personal dates for the weekends in August.
To calculate your personal day you will take your personal month number + the date in question
Using her example we know August is a 3 month for her, so let's look at the weekends of August 2024.
10/11 3+1+0=4 and 3+1+1+5 - making this weekend a 4/5 in her personal energy work/change
17/18 3+1+7=11 (1+1=2) and 3+1+8=12 (1+2=3) - making it a 2/3 weekend partnership/celebration
24/25 3+2+4=9 and 3+2+5= 10 (1+0=1) makes the third option a 9/1 weekend wrap it up/new start
Now you have to remember you can have an adventure of success, anytime, when you are prepared and keep your vibration up.
What do you think is the best weekend for Jennifer to choose?
This is where you look a little deeper, maybe she wants to go with her best friend, she would probably be happiest that second weekend of the 17th and 18th.
But maybe both Jennifer and her best friend finished their internships in August and are off to new starts with jobs. Wrap it up and start again energy is the 24th and 25th.
You can see though how either of those could be a great choice for Jennifer, for a getaway. And how the one with work or school on the mind for half of it, is probably the least, "best" choice.
When you have your personal dates already calculated and added to your personal calendar or planner, you can see at a glance which day might be better suited for you and your win.
An interview on a stay home energy day, or on a fresh start day? A meeting with your boss on a wrap it up day or a positive change day.
Can you see how this detail gives you a real advantage?
Just remember this important part. This is just an overlay, a look ahead, and it's a good "weather" report of your personal energy. If you know it's going to rain, you pack your rain boots and umbrella. If you have to have an interview on a stay at home energy day, plan extra time to get ready, and to get out the door, and maybe a good tuck in early evening after.
You don't stop your life based on the energy signatures of the day, instead you use them to give you an advantage towards flow and success.
Your personal vibration, is shown with your numbers and shows how your energy shows up each day.
Your numbers show how your puzzle piece (you) fits into the "big puzzle" energy of the collective experience.
Month and Day.
And it's the same simple math that we used in the overall, big puzzle, above; and always bringing it down to a single digit.
For these examples we are going to use 2024 for the year, and we are going to use Jennifer, who was born on December 11th for our example.
To calculate what your overall year energy is you will take the year in question, in this case 2024, and the month and date of your birthday. 2024+12+11 for our example.
2+0+2+4+1+2+1+1=13 and we need a single digit so next is 1+3=4
Four would be the overall personal year energy for Jennifer.
Now we know that Jennifer is going to have 2024 be a year of work, or school that type of energy for the entire year. We know that because we used our simple two word associations from above.
Here they are again for you.
1 New Beginning - New Start
2 Patience - Partnership
3 Joy - Celebrate
4 Work - School
5 Change - Energy Shift
6 Home - Within
7 Wait - Spiritual
8 Success - Harvest
9 Ending - Wrap Up
Now we are going to calculate her personal months energy, in much the same way we did above for the overall picture. The difference is we will use her personal year energy, to build her puzzle.
Jan is a 1, so we add that to 4 and we get 5
Jennifer will have a 4 year, with January being a 5 month. We use that same process through each of the months, until we have her overall picture of the energy of her year, in 2024.
Jan 1+4=5
Feb 2+4=6
Mar 3+4=7
Apr 4+4=8
May 5+4=9
Jun 6+4=10 remember we reduce back to a single digit, so 1+0=1 making June a 1 month for her
Jul 7+4=11 remember we deduce back to a single digit, so 1+1=2 making July a 2 month for her
Aug 8+4= 12 1+2=3 making her August a 3 month
And continue all the way through till December.
Now Jennifer can look at her year, and see her personal theme is around work, learning, that head down energy of getting something accomplished. And she can see what each month looks like too.
January shifts the energy, and brings change, if she is in school that would be the time of a calendar semester.
February she is feeling more of that pull to be home, and depending on where she lives that may be added to with cold, wintery weather, but her overall focus is still on getting it done.
The month she would do best to plan a celebration, maybe even a little get away vacation, would probably be her 3 month, because that is the energy for celebrating and joy. If you look up to the calculations we were doing based on her birthday, we saw that August was a 3 month for her in 2024. Her natural energy is going to align well with an August getaway or downtime.
Are you starting to see how you can align with your own energy signature, and how you, as your own piece of the puzzle, fits into both your bigger picture, and the overall puzzle of the planet too?
Let me give you an example of August 2024, the overall year of 2024 energy is an 8, get it done energy. And August is the 8th month, so we take 8+8=16 break it down to one digit, and we get 1+6=7
Over all big puzzle energy is a work on the success, the harvest and August is the go within, and more spiritual side of that.
Jennifer has the work and school and focus energy year, combined with her August celebration energy. Combining that she might think that a trip to Sedona is the perfect getaway break.
Now we are going to go a step further and look at Jennifer's personal dates for the weekends in August.
To calculate your personal day you will take your personal month number + the date in question
Using her example we know August is a 3 month for her, so let's look at the weekends of August 2024.
10/11 3+1+0=4 and 3+1+1+5 - making this weekend a 4/5 in her personal energy work/change
17/18 3+1+7=11 (1+1=2) and 3+1+8=12 (1+2=3) - making it a 2/3 weekend partnership/celebration
24/25 3+2+4=9 and 3+2+5= 10 (1+0=1) makes the third option a 9/1 weekend wrap it up/new start
Now you have to remember you can have an adventure of success, anytime, when you are prepared and keep your vibration up.
What do you think is the best weekend for Jennifer to choose?
This is where you look a little deeper, maybe she wants to go with her best friend, she would probably be happiest that second weekend of the 17th and 18th.
But maybe both Jennifer and her best friend finished their internships in August and are off to new starts with jobs. Wrap it up and start again energy is the 24th and 25th.
You can see though how either of those could be a great choice for Jennifer, for a getaway. And how the one with work or school on the mind for half of it, is probably the least, "best" choice.
When you have your personal dates already calculated and added to your personal calendar or planner, you can see at a glance which day might be better suited for you and your win.
An interview on a stay home energy day, or on a fresh start day? A meeting with your boss on a wrap it up day or a positive change day.
Can you see how this detail gives you a real advantage?
Just remember this important part. This is just an overlay, a look ahead, and it's a good "weather" report of your personal energy. If you know it's going to rain, you pack your rain boots and umbrella. If you have to have an interview on a stay at home energy day, plan extra time to get ready, and to get out the door, and maybe a good tuck in early evening after.
You don't stop your life based on the energy signatures of the day, instead you use them to give you an advantage towards flow and success.